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Category: HR & Hiring

5 Ways to Make Your Company Stand Out to Job Candidates

5 Ways to Make Your Company Stand Out to Job Candidates - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Canada - Featured Image

In today’s candidate-driven job market, it’s never been more important to maximize the appeal of your company and show job seekers why you’re the best choice for them. The last thing you want to do is lose great talent to your competitors, so let’s look at a few ways...

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4 Ways to Use AI in Recruiting

4 Ways to Use AI in Recruiting - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Canada

Big data, analytics, and artificial intelligence seem to be playing increasingly prominent roles in countless areas of modern industry. Recruitment is certainly no exception. New AI-focused tools and methods are emerging all the time, so let’s look at five key uses that demonstrate its power.   Streamlining Recruitment Workflows...

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3 Warning Signs When Considering a Job Candidate

3 Warning Signs When Considering a Job Candidate - Summit Search Group - Recruitment Agency Calgary

Sometimes it’s quite clear when a job candidate simply isn’t right for your company. Unprepared, unmotivated, or uncommitted professionals are often easy to spot. Still, even when a candidate seems promising, there are more subtle warning signs to look out for. Here are a few examples. Poor Listening Skills...

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Should Your Recruiter Have Knowledge in Your Industry?

Should Your Recruiter Have Knowledge in Your Industry? - Summit Search Group - Recruitment Agency Calgary

Talent acquisition and recruitment are professions that demand their own specific skills, carefully sharpened over time with continuous hard work. However, in order to help businesses like yours build stronger teams, we believe another key ingredient is needed: industry-specific knowledge. The Nuances of Recruiting At first glance, it may...

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Business Growth and Your Recruitment Strategy

Business Growth and Your Recruitment Strategy - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Canada

The growth of your business depends on countless factors and processes, from the quality of your products or services to your branding and marketing strategy and beyond. So what about your recruitment strategy? Its complex role in determining growth shouldn’t be underestimated! Recruitment & Productivity The way you build...

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How Structured Should Your Interviews Be?

How Structured Should Your Interviews Be? - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Canada

Interviewing candidates can be a much more challenging process than it seems, not to mention the pressure involved in selecting the right hire. One key factor determining the effectiveness of your interviews is how structured they are. Let’s look at what this means and why it’s important. Understanding Interview...

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What Are Young Job Candidates Looking For Today?

What Are Young Job Candidates Looking For Today? - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Canada

The better a sense you have of what job candidates are looking for today, the more precisely you can shape your recruitment approach. When it comes to those who are in the early stages of their professional development, there are a few things that are particularly important to offer....

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How Do You Source Your Candidates?

How Do You Source Your Candidates? - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Calgary

There are so many ways to find job candidates that it can seem easier to simply stick to what you know and avoid updating your methods. In reality, you won’t find the ideal recruits for your team without using the most up-to-date sourcing strategies available. Here are a few...

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Understanding Candidate Relationship Management

Understanding Candidate Relationship Management - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Canada

The professional world is built on relationships. Maintaining the strength of these relationships is just as important between employers and job seekers as it is between coworkers or business partners. This is what candidate relationship management is about, and the right tools can help.   The Core Concept  ...

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Why Employers Should Use the New and Improved LinkedIn Pages

Why Employers Should Use the New and Improved LinkedIn Pages - Summit Search Group - Staffing Agency Canada

LinkedIn is one of the most influential online tools for today’s professionals, and like any good web-based resource, it’s continuously evolving. The platform has recently rolled out Pages, a new way to build professional communities. Here’s why it’s a must-have for any employer.   Better Engagement   One particularly...

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