Category: Diversity & Inclusion
Generational Hiring: the benefits of age diversity in hiring practices

Discussion in boardrooms often focuses on diversity through gender and ethnicity. While this is important, age diversity is equally relevant. For the first time in history, our workforce is comprised of 5 generations of employees; the Silent Generation (ages 74 to 94), Baby Boomers (ages 55 to 73), Generation...
read more »What Is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Your business may be focused mostly on maximizing revenue and securing incremental growth, but no company exists in a vacuum. The choices you make as an entrepreneur affect and are influenced by countless social factors. This is what corporate social responsibility is all about. CSR in a Nutshell...
read more »Happy International Women’s Day from Summit Search Group!

The professional world has changed a lot over the years, and the possibilities for attaining your goals are seemingly endless. Still, some face more obstacles in their journey than others. This is why International Women’s Day and the fight for gender equality are as important as ever. A Brief...
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