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Common Elements of Successful Company Culture

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Company culture is the personality of an organization. It’s comprised of the physical environment, values, expectations, goals, behaviours, attitudes and traditions of a company. Though each organization’s culture is unique, there are common elements present in all successful company cultures.  

A clear mission statement is a foundational element of company culture providing employees with a purpose which informs each decision they make and guides how they behave and communicate. A 2014 study by Deloitte discovered that a corporation with a focus on shared purpose inspires high levels of confidence, encourages employee engagement, boosts growth, fuels investment, and stimulates innovation. [

Strong core values are a set of guidelines for behavior and mindset that help to achieve a company’s mission by affecting decision making, communication and manner. Clearly communicate your core values to all employees in order to create a successful company culture. 

Consistent daily practices reinforce core values helping them become a part of the daily life of a firm. How an organization engages workers, rewards efforts, seeks clarity, creates cohesiveness and focuses effort each day will determines whether or not a company’s culture will be successful. According to Tracy Repchuk (a member of Forbes coaches council and marketing strategist), “A culture isn’t built on hierarchy. It’s built on behaviour that is a way of life.” []

Good communication is a crucial element of successful culture. It needs to be clear, concise and courteous to allow messages to be heard and processed in an atmosphere of safety and respect. Good communication also creates a culture in which feedback is given and received safely, clearly, sensitively and productively. According to Niquenya Collins (author, trainer, consultant, entrepreneur), the strongest cultures are highly effective in properly communicating news, changes, goals, and successes throughout their ranks and are inclusive in soliciting feedback. []  

A sense of community contributes to company culture and is achieved by getting to know colleagues inside and outside of the office. Annual traditions (BBQ, family day, Christmas party), celebrating personal occasions (baby showers, weddings, educational milestones, birthdays), extra assistance offered in troubled times (injury, sickness, family deaths), and routine events (annual meetings, employee retreat, guest speakers) all help to build community. Larry Boyer (author, strategist, economist) believes caring about your employees, their wellbeing and what’s happening in their life, creates trust and teamwork. []

Commitment to learning and development shows your employees you are interested in their professional growth and is an important factor in company culture. Providing opportunities to enhance abilities and improve knowledge helps people to feel they are progressing as professionals and that their workplace allows for growth. 

A team mentality is central to successful company culture. The team approach promotes collaboration, focuses on team accomplishments and is the most efficient way to get things done. A successful team requires an effective structure; clear expectations, roles and rules for all team members. 

A sense of history helps people feel a part of something special and unique. Crafting your history into a narrative is a core element of culture creation. Share company stories that illuminate the road that led to current culture and strategies. 

Stringent recruiting policies involve hiring people who share your core values or are willing to embrace them. It’s important to recruit candidates that are not only talented but also best suited to your particular corporate culture. Involving current employees in the interview process can help with cultural alignment and result in lower turnover. 

Compatibility with a corporation’s culture is a big component of decision making when evaluating prospective employees. If employees “fit” with the culture, they will be productive, happy and fully engaged. Summit Search Group strives to connect business owners with candidates that “fit” your company culture. If you want to capture the attention of the right job seekers, we’re here to help. Contact one of our offices today. Let’s get started!

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Common Elements of Successful Company Culture

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