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Career Spotlight: Your Day as a Residential Appraiser

Summit Search Group

Summit Search Group has recently partnered with a residential valuation firm who is growing their business, and searching for a new Junior Residential Appraiser to join their team in Manitoba. This is a unique career, and the best fit for those who are passionate about real estate, analytics and enjoy working with people. To help clarify what a typical day looks like for a Junior Residential Appraiser with this firm, together, we’ve put together a highlight piece – Day In The Life: A Residential Appraiser.

7:00 a.m. – I check my emails and see that a client has sent me some additional photos of a property I saw a few days ago, I should put these in the file right now before I forget. I take a quick look through the schedule the office manager sent me for the day, 3 inspections today, a lighter day. I think I’ll run through the park today for my morning workout.

8:30 – Today’s run is done and I’m ready for the day. I usually like to go to the coffee shop to work but today I think I’ll hit that café with the patio – our summer has been so great!

9:00 – I get my coffee and breakfast and start plugging away at the 4 files I received from the office assistant yesterday afternoon. This shouldn’t take long, she is very thorough so all I need is to reconcile values and give them a final touch. This gives me just enough time to get these to the senior appraiser before I go for inspection.

10:05 – I review the schedule from the office manager again to see where I am going today – I  start in the North part of Winnipeg, then one in the West and finish just outside the city.

10:30 – I get to my first inspection, the second I pull up I have a feeling this one is going to be great. The home owner meets me at the front door. She is holding her dog on a leash, better move slowly. She tells me he is fine just a little rambunctious and likes to jump up on people. We exchange pleasantries and I ask her if she would mind if I start in the basement. I always like to start on one end of the house and work my way through to other. I take photos and notes and she follows me and we chat about the weekend and the weather.

10:52 – I jump in my car and review my notes quickly to make sure I didn’t miss anything through my inspection. I figure out where I am headed to next and see there is a note that I am to call the next homeowner to let them know I am on my way – he is leaving work to meet me.

11:10 – Appraisal #2 for the day. I meet the home owner at the front door.  He asks me what I need from him and I tell him I just need to take photos and make some notes to help my valuation. We head inside. He’s asking me about the market and if it’s a good time to buy. He seems to know his stuff. Turns out he is in the banking industry and we have a good chat about how home sales are going. We talk for a long time, and I notice the time – yikes!  I better wrap this up, I have a lunch meeting with a lender.

12:05 – I meet the lender at restaurant. She is a big client but I’ve gotten to know her well and we have a lot in common. During lunch she tells me she has a lot of work coming in for me – which is exciting, she is so easy to work with and her files are always so smooth. I make sure to grab the bill (I love having an expense account)!

2:00 – Appraisal #3. I get to the out of town property on my schedule.  There are children playing in the yard when I pull up. They run up to my car and ask me who I am. The youngest one is holding her doll. Their Mom comes out and she starts showing me around the yard (guess I’m not starting in the basement this time). It’s a beautiful site, huge oak trees and very seculuded but on a paved road and only 5 minutes from the town nearby. I really love this site! I finish up and get in my car. I know it was a short day, but I could sure use a coffee!

3: 15 – I stop at a little coffee shop close to home. It’s gotten to the point that I probably don’t even have to tell the server my order, he’s starting to prepare it as he’s asking me if I’m having my usual. I sit down and start reviewing the inspections I did today – and starting my research on current market values in Winnipeg (one of my favourite parts of the job).

5:20 – Just about to close my day, but first I call my senior appraiser to check in and let him know how the day went (we did chat a few times, but those were for quicker questions). He asks me about my lunch and shares that the lender just sent us a lot of work! These relationships really matter to me.  He also tells me the house I am going to in the morning might be a bit challenging to get into since there are some issues with coordinating the keys. Tomorrow I plan to explore a new development as we’ll likely have some appraisals to do on some new builds as well.

I love that every day is different as a Residential Appraiser.


For more information on this career opportunity, please contact Jessica Willis, at


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Position Applying For:

Career Spotlight: Your Day as a Residential Appraiser

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