Happy International Women’s Day from Summit Search Group!
The professional world has changed a lot over the years, and the possibilities for attaining your goals are seemingly endless. Still, some face more obstacles in their journey than others. This is why International Women’s Day and the fight for gender equality are as important as ever.
A Brief History
International Women’s Day has its roots in the efforts of hardworking industrial labourers of the early 20th century. In addition to widespread inequality in the social and political domains, the harsh working conditions and low wages faced by women in a multitude of industries led them to push for recognition and reform. Between 1909 and 1914, millions of women across North America and Europe came together to organize protests and rallies promoting women’s suffrage and equal labour rights. It was then decided in 1914 that an official International Women’s Day would be held every 8th of March.
Defining Your Feminism
Status of Women Canada has established the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day with the hashtag #MyFeminism, reminding us that the fight for gender equality means different things for different people. For the Suffragettes of the late 19th and early 20th century, it was the right to vote. Today, the diversity of women’s activism is more complex and influential than ever, shaping professional communities of all kinds. As a job seeker, an employee, a manager, or simply a hard worker, take this time to reflect on what changes are important to you and what role you play in the movement towards progress.
In the Workplace and Beyond
It’s been over a century since the first official International Women’s Day, but as always, there’s much work to be done. As Melissa Moyser at Statistics Canada has reported, despite the drastic expansion of women’s role in the labour force, they still do not earn the same amount as their male counterparts. Whether it’s the wage gap, low diversity in recruitment practices, or difficult gender dynamics in workplace culture, it is of the utmost importance to address the issues that stand in the way of equality for professional women everywhere. IWD may serve as a reminder for this, but as any woman knows, it’s also a year-round effort!
Are you one of millions of hardworking Canadian women striving to realize your professional goals, or an ally finding ways to do your part? Either way, we hope you have an excellent International Women’s Day, and get in touch with us to make your recruitment goals a reality!
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Happy International Women’s Day from Summit Search Group!
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